Teaching Profitability Made Simple
Take the intimidation out of financial education and teach profitability essentials with ease.
Profit Decoder
Simulation for Education
Profit Decoder takes the pain and time out of profitability analysis
Teaching Finance Made Easy
Students learn financial concepts step-by-step. They can experience the key levers influencing business profitability.
Make case or business analysis exciting by quickly generating actionable insights and tying profits to business planning.
Have students quickly model changes. Spend more time analyzing what-if questions and less on spreadsheeting.
Profit Decoder gives students the power to analyze and improve real and hypothetical businesses.
Profitability Essentials
Students learn financial concepts step-by-step. They can experience the key levers influencing business profitability.
Students learn financial concepts as they go
Interactive explanations demonstrate cost structure, contribution, breakeven, profits, and more
Demonstrate in real-time how the levers of profitability work

Analyze Businesses
Profit Decoder includes a preloaded simulation where students gain skills analyzing and transforming an unprofitable restaurant.
Students practice and learn on our preloaded simulation
A step-by-step process guides students through analyzing the business and building a profit goal
Customize the simulation to fit your learning goals

Simulate Changes
Use Profit Decoder to model changes in a few clicks. Find the answers to baffling what-if questions without a spreadsheet or math.
Model business challenges from inflation to growth
Experiment with business changes and see the real-time impacts on sales goals, contribution, breakeven, and profits
Illustrate and assign what-if scenarios such as hiring, equipment purchases, loans, new products launches and more

Make engaging class projects with ease. With cost categories from over 50+ businesses, students can build and evaluate real or hypothetical enterprises.
Assign individual or group projects to build enterprises from the ground up
Use Profit Decoder to guide analysis of companies for class consulting projects
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